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Notice Board

Date Notice By
31-01-2025 Internal Practical Examination( Viva voce) of Mini Project-I ( BMB152) Admin
19-01-2025 Class Schedule of MCA (Integrated) & MCA Ist Semester Admin
14-01-2025 Enrollment and Examination Form Admin
12-01-2025 Time Table of MCA & MCA(Integrated) w.e.f. 13.01.2025 Admin
12-01-2025 Time Table of MBA & MBA(Integrated) w.e.f. 13.01.2025 Admin
05-01-2025 On Account of Guru Govind Singh Jayanti the institute will remain closed on dt. 06.01.2025(Monday) Admin
30-12-2024 Summer Training Project Report Viva Voce (KMBN 308) Admin
28-12-2024 External Practical Examination schedule of MCA and MCA Integrated Admin
27-12-2024 Practical Examination schedule of MBA Integrated Admin
21-12-2024 IIIrd Mid Semester Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA(integrated) Admin
21-12-2024 Revised IIIrd Mid Semester Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA(integrated) Admin
19-12-2024 IIIrd Mid Semester Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA(integrated) Admin
18-12-2024 Regarding filling of Enrollment Registration and Enrollment Process Admin
09-12-2024 Revised Time Table of MCA & MCA(Integrated) Admin
08-12-2024 Time Table of MCA & MCA(Integrated) w.e.f. 09.12.2024 Admin
08-12-2024 Time Table of MBA & MBA(Integrated) w.e.f. 09.12.2024 Admin
27-11-2024 II Mid Semester Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA(integrated) Admin
27-11-2024 II Mid Semester Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA(integrated) Admin
20-11-2024 Revised Time Table of MCA & MCA(Integrated) w.e.f. 21.11.2024 Admin
19-11-2024 Time Table of MCA & MCA(Integrated) w.e.f. 19.11.2024 Admin
19-11-2024 Time Table of MBA & MBA(Integrated) w.e.f. 19.11.2024 Admin
28-10-2024 Ist Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MBA-III Semester Admin
27-10-2024 Ist Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MCA-III Semester Admin
27-10-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
26-10-2024 Student Registration on Samarth Portal Admin
23-10-2024 Time Table of MCA & MCA(Integrated) w.e.f. 24.10.2024 Admin
20-10-2024 Time Table of MBA & MBA(Integrated) w.e.f. 21.10.2024 Admin
13-10-2024 Revised Exam Schedule of MBA I Sem and MBA(Integrated) Admin
10-10-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
09-10-2024 Exam Schedule of MCA I Sem and MCA(Integrated) Admin
09-10-2024 Exam Schedule of MBA I Sem and MBA(Integrated) Admin
03-10-2024 Class Schedule of MCA and MCA Integrated Admin
03-10-2024 Class Schedule of MBA and MBA Integrated Admin
21-09-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
17-09-2024 Class Schedule of MBA Integrated Admin
16-09-2024 Class Schedule MCA I Sem. and MCA Integrated Admin
31-08-2024 Class Schedule MCA Integrated Admin
31-08-2024 Class Schedule of MBA Integrated Admin
26-08-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
19-08-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
14-08-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
04-08-2024 Kailash Mela Holiday Admin
01-08-2024 Pledge Campaign Admin
25-07-2024 Time Table MCA (Integrated) & MCA II semester Admin
18-07-2024 External Practical Exam Schedule of IT-Skills Lab-2 Admin
18-07-2024 External Practical Exam Schedule of MCA II and MCA(Integrated) II Sem. Admin
17-07-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
12-07-2024 IIIrd Mid Term Exam Schedule of MCA II and MCA(Integrated) II Sem Admin
11-07-2024 IIIrd Mid Term Exam Schedule of MBA II and MBA(Integrated) II Sem Admin
07-07-2024 Revised Time Table of MBA and MBA-Integrated Admin
30-06-2024 Revised Time Table of MBA and MBA-Integrated Admin
15-06-2024 Regarding International Yoga Day 2024 (Yoga Pledge) Admin
14-06-2024 External Practical Exam Schedule of KCA451 Admin
14-06-2024 Research Project Report Viva Voce ( KMBN 408) Admin
09-06-2024 Class schedule of MCA and MCA Integrated Admin
09-06-2024 Mid Term Exam Schedule of MCA II , MCA IV and MCA(Integrated) II Sem Admin
09-06-2024 Mid Term Exam Schedule of MBA II , MBA IV and MBA(Integrated) II Sem Admin
02-06-2024 External Practical Exam Schedule of MBA(int)-IV.VI,VIII and Xth Sem Admin
02-06-2024 External Practical Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA(integrated) Admin
27-05-2024 Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA-IV, MBA(Int) –IV,VI,VIII and X semester Admin
27-05-2024 Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MCA-IV, MCA(Int) –IV,VI,VIII and X semester Admin
23-05-2024 The institute will remain closed on 23.05.2024 Admin
19-05-2024 Even Semester Exam form Notice Admin
13-05-2024 Revised Time Table of MBA and MBA-Integrated Admin
13-05-2024 Revised Time Table of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
05-05-2024 Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA and MBA( Integrated) Admin
05-05-2024 Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA and MCA( Integrated ) Admin
30-04-2024 Time Table of MBA and MBA( Integrated ) Admin
29-04-2024 Class Schedule of MCA and MCA Integrated Admin
18-04-2024 Notice - Deposit your college fees by 30-04-2024 Admin
17-04-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
14-04-2024 Class Schedule of MCA and MCA Integrated Admin
10-04-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
06-04-2024 I-Mid Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA-Integrated 4,6,8 and 10 Sem students Admin
06-04-2024 I-Mid Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA-Integrated 4,6, and 8 Sem students Admin
04-04-2024 Class Schedule of MCA and MCA Integrated Admin
03-04-2024 Time Table of MBA and MBA Integrated Admin
22-03-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
05-03-2024 Class Schedule of MBA Integrated Admin
02-03-2024 Class Schedule of MCA Integrated Admin
01-03-2024 Fees Notice Admin
27-02-2024 External Practical Examination Schedule of MBA and MBA Integrated Admin
27-02-2024 External Practical Examination Schedule of MCA and MCA Integrated Admin
19-02-2024 Class Schedule of MBA-Integrated Admin
19-02-2024 Class Schedule MCA-Integrated Admin
17-02-2024 IIIrd Mid Semester exam Schedule of MCA Admin
17-02-2024 IIIrd Mid Semester exam Schedule of MBA Admin
06-02-2024 External Practical Examination Schedule of KMBI703-MS EXCEL II Admin
04-02-2024 External Practical Examination Schedule of MCA-Integrated V,VII,IX Sem Admin
04-02-2024 External Practical Examination Schedule of KMBI951 , KMBI506 Admin
24-01-2024 Holiday Notice Admin
21-01-2024 On account of Ramlala Pran Pratishtha the institute will remain closed on 22.01.2024 Admin
16-01-2024 Class Schedule of MBA & MBA(Integrated) Admin
13-01-2024 Class Schedule of MCA & MCA(Integrated) Admin
05-01-2024 Revised MBA and MBA Integrated Mid Sem. Exam schedule Admin
29-12-2023 Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MCA-I,III MCA(Integated) –I, III,V,VII and IX semester Admin
28-12-2023 Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA-I,III MBA(Integated) –I, III,V,VII and IX semester Admin
28-12-2023 Summer Training Project Report (KMBI-951) Admin
26-12-2023 Class Schedule of MBA & MBA(Integrated) Admin
24-12-2023 Holiday Notice Admin
06-12-2023 IInd Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA(Integated) –III,V,VII and IX semester Admin
06-12-2023 IInd Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MCA(Integated) –III,V,VII and IX semester Admin
02-12-2023 Class Schedule of MCA & MCA(Integrated) Admin
25-11-2023 Holiday Notice Admin
23-11-2023 Holiday Notice Admin
21-11-2023 Class Schedule of MCA & MCA(Integrated) Admin
10-11-2023 The Institute will remain closed from 11-11-2023 to 15-11-2023 Admin
07-11-2023 Hike Education placement Drive for MBA-III sem on 09-11-2023 Admin
04-11-2023 Ist Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MCA I, III and MCA(Integated) –I semester Admin
04-11-2023 Ist Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA I, III and MBA(Integated) –I semester Admin
31-10-2023 NOTICE (PAYMENT OF FEES) Admin
24-10-2023 Ist Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MCA(Integated) –III,V,VII and IX semester Admin
24-10-2023 Ist Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA(Integated) –III,V,VII and IX semester Admin
15-10-2023 Revised Class Schedule of MCA (Integrated) & MCA Admin
15-10-2023 Revised Class Schedule of MBA (Integrated) & MBA Admin
13-10-2023 Industrial Visit Postponed Admin
09-10-2023 Class Time Table MCA (Integrated) & MCA Admin
04-10-2023 NOTICE (PAYMENT OF FEES) Admin
02-10-2023 Class Time Table MBA (Integrated) & MBA Admin
02-10-2023 Class Time Table MCA (Integrated) & MCA Admin
27-09-2023 NOTICE (PAYMENT OF FEES) Admin
21-09-2023 Classes will remain suspended from 22.09.2023 to 23.09.2023 Admin
20-09-2023 Classes will remain suspended on 21st Sept. 2023 Admin
17-09-2023 Revised MBA(Integrated) Classes Time Table Admin
09-09-2023 NOTICE (PAYMENT OF FEES) Admin
04-09-2023 MBA (Integrated) Classes Time Table Admin
04-09-2023 MCA (Integrated) Classes Time Table Admin
29-08-2023 MCA (Integrated) Classes Time Table Admin
25-08-2023 MBA (Integrated) Classes Time Table Admin
25-08-2023 MCA (Integrated) Classes Time Table Admin
20-08-2023 External Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA Integrated II Admin
16-08-2023 External Practical Examination Schedule of Mini Project (KMBN252) Admin
16-08-2023 External Practical Examination Schedule of IT Skill Lab-II (KMBN251) Admin
02-08-2023 Regarding Challenge Evaluation Admin
25-07-2023 Special Mid Sem Test for MBA-II Sem. and MBA(Integrated)-II Sem Students Admin
25-07-2023 Special Mid Sem Test for MCA-II Sem. and MCA(Integrated)-II Sem Students Admin
13-07-2023 Submit Mini Project report latest by 27.07.2023 Admin
13-07-2023 Revised IIIrd Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA-Integrated Admin
12-07-2023 IIIrd Mid Sem Examination Schedule of MBA and MBA-Integrated Admin
12-07-2023 IIIrd Mid Sem Examination Schedule of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
07-07-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MBA(integrated) and MBA Admin
03-07-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MCA(integrated) and MCA Admin
28-06-2023 Holiday Notice Admin
20-06-2023 International Day of Yoga Admin
19-06-2023 II Mid Sem Examination schedule of MBA and MBA(Int) II Sem Admin
19-06-2023 II Mid Sem. Examination for MCA II and MCA(Int) II Semester Admin
12-06-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MCA(integrated) and MCA Admin
27-05-2023 External Practical Examination schedule of MCA and MCA(Int.) Admin
27-05-2023 External Practical Examination schedule of MBA and MBA(Int.) Admin
18-05-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MCA(integrated) and MCA Admin
17-05-2023 Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA (Integrated) Admin
17-05-2023 Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA(Integrated) Admin
16-05-2023 IIIrd Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MBA(Integrated) X Semester Admin
08-05-2023 II Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MBA(integrated) and MBA Admin
06-05-2023 Exam form for regular and carryover Admin
04-05-2023 Regarding Fill Examination form for Even Semester 2022-2023 Admin
04-05-2023 Holiday Notice Admin
03-05-2023 II Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MCA(integrated) and MCA Admin
03-05-2023 Notice for Holiday on Election Day(04.05.2023) Admin
02-05-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MBA(integrated) and MBA Admin
02-05-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MCA(integrated) and MCA Admin
29-04-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MCA(integrated) and MCA Admin
19-04-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MCA(integrated) and MCA Admin
19-04-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MBA(integrated) and MBA Admin
06-04-2023 Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MCA(integrated) Admin
06-04-2023 Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MBA(integrated) Admin
04-04-2023 Holiday Notice Admin
30-03-2023 Holiday Notice Admin
27-03-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MBA(integrated) and MBA Admin
20-03-2023 Class Schedule of MCA and MCA(integrated) Admin
19-03-2023 Revised -Class schedule of MBA(integrated) and MBA Admin
14-03-2023 External Practical Exam schedule of MCA and MCA-Int. I Sem Admin
14-03-2023 Special Internal Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA(Int)–I Sem Admin
14-03-2023 External Practical Exam Schedule of MBA –I Sem. Admin
13-03-2023 External Practical Exam schedule of MCA I Sem Admin
13-03-2023 External Practical Exam schedule of Computer Practices Admin
04-03-2023 On account of HOLI the Institute will remains closed from 06.03.2023 to 09.03.2023. Admin
27-02-2023 External Practical Exam Schedule of MBA III Sem. Admin
27-02-2023 External Practical Exam Schedule of MCA III Sem Admin
25-02-2023 External Practical Exam Schedule of Paper code KCA352 Admin
23-02-2023 IIIrd Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA-Int. Ist Sem. Admin
23-02-2023 IIIrd Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA-Int Ist Sem. Admin
23-02-2023 Viva-Voce of Mini Project KMBN152 Admin
15-02-2023 Revised Classes Time Table of MBA and MBA(Integrated) Admin
14-02-2023 Classes Time Table of MCA and MCA(Integrated) Admin
13-02-2023 Fees Notice Admin
12-02-2023 Class Time Table of MBA and MBA(Integrated) Admin
02-02-2023 IIIrd Mid Sem Examination Schedule of MBA-III Admin
02-02-2023 Mini Project Report (KMBN-152) Admin
31-01-2023 Summer Training Project Report (KMBN-308) Admin
31-01-2023 Fee Notice Admin
30-01-2023 MCA Integrated VII semester external practical schedule Admin
24-01-2023 External Practical exam schedule of MBA(Integrated) Admin
18-01-2023 IInd Mid-Sem examination schedule of MBA(Integrated)-I sem and MBA I and III Sem Admin
18-01-2023 IInd Mid-Sem examination schedule of MCA(Integrated)-I sem and MCA I Sem. Admin
17-01-2023 External Practical exam schedule Admin
04-01-2023 Revised Time Table MCA (Integrated) & MCA Admin
29-12-2022 Special Mid-Semester Examination of MBA(int) 3,5,7,9th Sem Admin
28-12-2022 Special Mid-Semester Examination of MCA 3rd and MCA(int) 3,5,7,9th Sem Admin
26-12-2022 Revised Time Table MCA (Integrated) & MCA Admin
16-12-2022 Exam Schedule of MCA Ist and MCA(integrated) Ist Semester Admin
16-12-2022 Exam Schedule of MBA 1st , IIIrd and MBA(integrated) Ist Semester Admin
13-12-2022 Exam Schedule of MBA(integrated)3,5,7 and 9th Semester Admin
13-12-2022 Exam Schedule of MCA(integrated)3,5,7 ,9th and MCA 3rd Semester Admin
12-12-2022 Revised Time Table MBA (Integrated) & MBA Admin
12-12-2022 Revised Time Table MCA (Integrated) & MCA Admin
01-12-2022 Revised Time Table MCA (Integrated) & MCA Admin
26-11-2022 On account of Guru Teg Bahadur Shaheed Diwas the institute will remain closed on 28.11.2022 Admin
23-11-2022 Holiday already declared on 24.11.2022 is being cancelled.Hence College will remain open on 24.11.2022. Admin
19-11-2022 IInd Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA(Integrated) Admin
19-11-2022 IInd Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MBA(Integrated) Admin
16-11-2022 Revised Time Table MCA (Integrated) & MCA Admin
08-11-2022 On account of Guru Nanak Jayanti the institute will remain closed on 08.11.2022(Tuesday) Admin
22-10-2022 On account of Deepawali the institute will remain closed from 24.10.2022 to 29.10.2022 Admin
17-10-2022 Revised Time Table MCA & MCA(Integrated) Admin
11-10-2022 Revised Time Table MBA III & MBA(Integrated) Admin
11-10-2022 Revised Time Table MCA & MCA(Integrated) Admin
08-10-2022 Revised Time Table MBA III & MBA(Integrated) Admin
03-10-2022 Ist Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MBA(Integrated) Admin
03-10-2022 Ist Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA(Integrated ) Admin
27-09-2022 Revised Time Table MBA & MBA(Integrated) Admin
25-09-2022 Revised Time Table MBA & MBA(Integrated) Admin
25-09-2022 Revised Time Table MCA & MCA(Integrated) Admin
20-09-2022 परम श्रद्धेय राजा बलवंत सिंह जी के जन्म दिवस पर 21.09.2022 को शिक्षण कार्य स्थगित रहेगा। Admin
06-09-2022 On account of Abul-Ullah-Urs the institute will remain closed on 07.09.2022 Admin
31-08-2022 Time Table MCA & MCA(Integrated) Admin
31-08-2022 Time Table MBA(Integrated) Admin
24-08-2022 Time Table MBA(Integrated) Admin
24-08-2022 Time Table MCA(Integrated) Admin
19-07-2022 Even Semester External Practical Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA(Integrated) Admin
18-07-2022 Even Semester External Practical Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA(Integrated) Admin
16-07-2022 IIIrd Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA(Integrated) Admin
14-07-2022 IIIrd Mid Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA(Integrated) Admin
23-06-2022 II-Mid-Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA-Integrated Admin
23-06-2022 II-Mid-Sem. Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
17-06-2022 Mini Project Report –KMBN-252 Admin
15-06-2022 Fees Notice Admin
12-06-2022 Revised Class Schedule of MBA and MBA Integrated Admin
01-06-2022 Practical Exam Schedule of MBA(Integrated)-VIII Sem. Admin
30-05-2022 Practical Exam Schedule of MCA(Int.) VIII Sem. Admin
27-05-2022 External Exam Schedule of MCA(integrated)-IV Sem Admin
27-05-2022 Practical Exam Schedule of MBA (Integrated)-IV Admin
27-05-2022 Even Semester External Practical Exam. Schedule of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
26-05-2022 Practical Exam Schedule of MBA-IV, MBA(integrated)-X & MBA(integrated)-VI Sem. Admin
26-05-2022 Presentation of Industrial Project -MCA (IV) Sem Admin
19-05-2022 Presentation of Industrial Project -MCA (VI) Sem Admin
19-05-2022 Presentation of Industrial Project -MCA (Integrated)-X Sem Admin
12-05-2022 Research Project Report RMBI-1003 Admin
12-05-2022 Research Project Report KMBN-408 Admin
06-05-2022 Mid-Sem. Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
06-05-2022 Mid-Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA-Integrated Admin
04-05-2022 Time Table of MCA & MCA(Integrated) w.e.f. 04.05.2022 Admin
04-05-2022 Challenge Evaluation Admin
03-05-2022 Holiday Notice Admin
27-04-2022 Time Table of MBA and MBA (Integrated) w.e.f. 27.04.2022 Admin
18-04-2022 Fee Notice Admin
17-04-2022 Time Table of MBA & MBA(Integrated) w.e.f. 18.04.2022 Admin
17-04-2022 Time Table of MCA & MCA(Integrated) w.e.f. 18.04.2022 Admin
14-04-2022 Holiday Notice Admin
12-04-2022 Examination form Odd Semester 2021-22 for LOE Students Admin
12-04-2022 Time Table of MBA and MBA( Integrated ) w.e.f. 11.04.2022 Admin
12-04-2022 Time Table of MCA and MCA(integrated) w.e.f. 11.04.2022 Admin
06-04-2022 Ist Mid-Sem. Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
06-04-2022 Ist Mid-Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA-Integrated Admin
15-03-2022 ADMIT-CARD distribution on dated-21-03-2022 Admin
09-03-2022 External Practical Exam Schedule of MCA (Integrated) I Sem Admin
08-03-2022 External Practical Exam Schedule of MCA I Sem Admin
08-03-2022 External Practical Exam (KMBAI 151 ) Schedule of MBA-Integrated I Sem Admin
07-03-2022 External Practical Exam. Schedule of MBA-I Sem Admin
07-03-2022 Cycle stand fee Notice Admin
02-03-2022 Class Schedule of MCA and MCA Integrated Admin
23-02-2022 Fee Notice Admin
20-02-2022 IIIrd Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MBA and MBA(Integrated) Ist Semseter Admin
19-02-2022 IIIrd Mid Sem Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA(Integrated) Ist Semseter Admin
18-02-2022 Revised Class Schedule of MBA and MBA Integrated Admin
08-02-2022 Offline Class Schedule of MCA and MCA Integrated Admin
08-02-2022 Offline Class Schedule of MBA and MBA Integrated Admin
06-02-2022 Online Class Schedule of MBA -IV and MBA(Integrated)-IV, VI, VIII and X Sem. Admin
01-02-2022 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA and MCA-Integrated Ist Sem. Admin
01-02-2022 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA and MBA-Integrated Ist Sem. Admin
26-01-2022 Winter vacation from 27.01.2022 to 29.01.2022 Admin
20-01-2022 MCA and MCA(Integrated) Practical Exam Schedule Admin
18-01-2022 MCA and MCA(Integrated) Practical Exam Schedule Admin
18-01-2022 MBA III Sem. External Practical Exam Schedule Admin
18-01-2022 MBA (Integrated)-5 Sem. External Practical Exam Schedule Admin
18-01-2022 MBA (Integrated)-7 Sem. External Practical Exam Schedule Admin
18-01-2022 Enrollment of First Semester (Newly Admitted-2021-22) students. Admin
18-01-2022 MBA (Integrated)-IX Sem. External Practical Exam Schedule Admin
10-01-2022 Online Class Schedule of MCA-I and MCA(Integrated)-I Sem Admin
10-01-2022 Online Class Schedule of MBA -I and MBA(Integrated)-I Sem. Admin
04-01-2022 Enrollment of newly admitted Student Admin
24-12-2021 Print Admit Card Admin
24-12-2021 Revised -Class schedule of MBA(integrated)-I and MBA I Semester Admin
24-12-2021 On account of Christmas the institute will remains closed on 25.12.2021 Admin
15-12-2021 Mid-Sem. Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA-Integrated I, III, V ,VII AND IX SEM. Admin
15-12-2021 IInd Mid-Sem. Exam Schedule of MBA III and MBA-Integrated III, V ,VII AND IX Admin
15-12-2021 Ist Mid-Sem Exam Schedule of MBA I and MBA-Inegrated I Sem. Admin
11-12-2021 Odd Semester Carry Over Examination Form Admin
04-12-2021 Revised -Class schedule of MBA(integrated)-I, III, V, VII , IX and MBA I, III Semester Admin
04-12-2021 Fee Notice Admin
02-12-2021 Class schedule of MCA(integrated)-I, III, V, VII , IX and MCA-I, III, V Semester Admin
27-11-2021 Revised-Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA -III Semester and MCA(int.) III,V,VII and IX Semester Admin
27-11-2021 Revised-Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM) -III Semester and MBA(int.) III,V,VII and IX Semester Admin
25-11-2021 Class schedule of MCA(integrated)-I, III, V, VII , IX and MCA-I, III, V Semester Admin
24-11-2021 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM) -III Semester and MBA(int.) III,V,VII and IX Semester Admin
24-11-2021 Class schedule of MBA(integrated)-I, III, V, VII , IX , MBA and MBA(TM) I, III Semester Admin
23-11-2021 Holiday Notice Admin
22-11-2021 Class schedule of MCA(integrated)-I, III, V, VII , IX and MCA-I, III, V Semester Admin
18-11-2021 Holiday Notice Admin
18-11-2021 Sport Activities Admin
10-11-2021 Dr Abdul Kalam Technical Sports Fest Admin
06-11-2021 Time Table MBA and MBA(Integrated) (Revised) Admin
06-11-2021 Time Table MCA and MCA(Integrated) (Revised) Admin
01-11-2021 Holiday of Deepawali Admin
14-10-2021 On Account of dusserhra the institute will remain closed from 14.10.2021 to dt. 15.10.2021 Admin
06-10-2021 Left Over Examination of Even Semester 2021 Admin
06-10-2021 Fee Notice Admin
25-09-2021 Class schedule of MBA(integrated)-III, V, VII , IX and MBA-III Semester Admin
15-09-2021 Fee Notice Admin
15-09-2021 Class schedule of MBA(integrated)-III, V, VII , IX and MBA-III Semester Admin
13-09-2021 Class schedule of MCA(integrated)-III, V, VII , IX and MCA-III, V Semester Admin
13-09-2021 Class schedule of MBA(integrated)-III, V, VII , IX and MBA-III Semester Admin
13-09-2021 Class Time Table of MCA(Integrated) and MCA Admin
01-09-2021 MCA II Practical Exam Schedule Even Semester Admin
31-08-2021 Practical Examination of Professional Communication (KMBAI 251) is scheduled on 01-09-2021 Admin
29-08-2021 Practical Exam Schedule of RAS254,RCAI251,RCAI451,RCAI452 Admin
26-08-2021 Practical Examination of Data analysis Lab-I(RMBI803) is scheduled on 28-08-2021 Admin
24-08-2021 Comprehensive Viva of KMBI 406 is scheduled on 26.08.2021 Admin
11-08-2021 External Examination Schedule of MBA(integrated)-VI(KMBI606) Admin
11-08-2021 External Practical Exam Schedule of MCA and MCA(Integrated) Admin
07-08-2021 External Examination Schedule Admin
05-08-2021 Practical Exam Schedule Admin
25-07-2021 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination schedule of MCA and MCA(Integrated) Admin
24-07-2021 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination schedule of MBA-II and MBA(Integrated) Admin
24-07-2021 Mini Project Report (KMBN-252) Admin
13-07-2021 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination schedule of MBA-IV and MBA(TM)-IV Admin
06-07-2021 Fee Notice Admin
03-07-2021 Revised Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA(Integrated) Admin
01-07-2021 Submit Research Project Report (KMT406) before 19.07.2021 Admin
01-07-2021 Submit Research Project Report (KMB405) before 19.07.2021 Admin
19-06-2021 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Admin
17-06-2021 Ist Mid-Sem. examination schedule of MCA & MCA(Int.) Admin
17-06-2021 Ist Mid-Sem. examination schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM), MBA(Int.) Admin
09-06-2021 Regarding UFM Odd Semester 2020-21 Admin
09-06-2021 Regarding UFM Odd Semester 2020-21 Admin
06-06-2021 Revised Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA(Integrated) Admin
02-06-2021 Deposit Tuition Fee before 10.06.2021 Admin
17-04-2021 Online Class Schedule of MBA,MBA(TM ) and MBA-Integrated Admin
10-04-2021 Fee Notice Admin
05-04-2021 Time Table of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
05-04-2021 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Admin
01-04-2021 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Admin
20-03-2021 Practical Exam Schedule Odd Semester MBA and MBA(Integrated) Admin
20-03-2021 Revised Practical Exam Schedule Odd Semester MCA and MCA(Integrated) Admin
16-03-2021 Practical Exam Schedule Odd Semester MCA and MCA(Integrated) Admin
25-02-2021 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA and MBA-Integrated I Sem Admin
22-02-2021 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA and MCA-Integrated I and III Sem Admin
04-02-2021 Summer Training Project Report (KMB303) Admin
04-02-2021 Summer Training Project Report ( KMT-308 ) Admin
30-01-2021 Revised Time Table of MBA , MBA-TM and MBA-Integrated Admin
22-01-2021 Prospectus Admin
19-01-2021 Revised Time Table of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
19-01-2021 Revised Time Table of MBA , MBA-TM and MBA-Integrated Admin
09-01-2021 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA and MCA-Integrated Ist Sem. Admin
09-01-2021 IIIrd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
09-01-2021 IIIrd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA and MBA-Integrated Admin
09-01-2021 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA and MBA-Integrated Ist Sem. Admin
07-01-2021 Fee Deposit Notice for II,III and IVth Years Students Admin
07-01-2021 Fee Deposit Notice for Ist Year Students Admin
07-01-2021 IIIrd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA-III,MCA(Int.)III,V,VII Sem. and Ist Mid-Sem Examination Schedule of MCA,MCA(Int) Ist Sem Admin
04-01-2021 IIIrd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA,MBA(TM) and MBA(Int.) Admin
04-01-2021 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA and MBA(Int.) Ist Sem. Admin
04-01-2021 Revised Time Table of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
30-12-2020 Fee Deposit Notice Admin
26-12-2020 Revised Time Table of MBA , MBA-TM and MBA-Integrated Admin
04-12-2020 Fee Notice Admin
29-11-2020 On account of Guru Nanak Jayanti the institute will remain closed on 30-11-2020 Admin
24-11-2020 Revised Time Table of MCA and MCA-Integrated Admin
23-11-2020 Revised Time Table of MBA , MBA-TM and MBA-Integrated Admin
23-11-2020 Notice-IInd Mid Sem Exam will be held in online mode Admin
20-11-2020 IInd Mid-Sem Examination Schedule of MBA,MBA-TM,MBA-Integrated Admin
20-11-2020 IInd Mid-Sem Examination Schedule of MCA,MCA-Integrated Admin
09-11-2020 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Admin
03-11-2020 Regarding Fill Examination form for ODD Semester 2020-21 Admin
25-10-2020 Time Table of MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) w.e.f. 26.10.2020 Admin
03-10-2020 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA and MCA(Integrated) Admin
01-10-2020 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA,MBA(TM) and MBA(Int.) Admin
28-09-2020 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Admin
01-09-2020 Time Table MCA(Integrated) and MCA Admin
29-08-2020 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Admin
26-08-2020 Fee Notice Admin
17-08-2020 Fee Notice Admin
15-08-2020 Time Table MCA(Integrated) and MCA Admin
15-08-2020 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Admin
05-08-2020 Fee Notice Admin
04-08-2020 Practical Examination of MAM1002 Admin
04-08-2020 Practical Examination Viva-voce of KMT406 Admin
04-08-2020 Practical Examination Viva-voce of KMB405 Admin
16-07-2020 Result Updation on AKTU One View Admin
22-06-2020 Regarding Challenge Evaluation for Session 2019-20 Admin
05-06-2020 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule for MCA , MCA(Dual) and MCA(Integrated) Admin
05-06-2020 IInd Mid-Sem. examination schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM), MBA(Int.) & MAM Admin
17-04-2020 Regarding Fill Examination form for Even Semester 2019-20 Admin
17-04-2020 Regarding Fill Examination form for Even Semester 2019-20 Admin
22-03-2020 Classes will remain suspended from 23.03.2020 to 02.04.2020 due to Coronavirus disease Admin
13-03-2020 Classes will remain suspended from 14.03.2020 to 22.03.2020 due to Coronavirus disease Admin
07-03-2020 On account of HOLI the institute will remain closed from 09.03.2020 to 11.03.2020 Admin
27-02-2020 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA , MBA(int.) and MAM Admin
27-02-2020 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule for MCA , MCA(Dual) and MCA(Integrated) Admin
23-02-2020 Time Table of MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) and MAM w.e.f. 24.02.2020 Admin
20-02-2020 on account of Mahashivratri the institute will remain closed on 21.02.2020 Admin
02-02-2020 Time Table of MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) and MAM w.e.f. 3.02.2020 Admin
02-02-2020 Time Table of MCA, MCA(int) & MCA(Dual) w.e.f. 3.02.2020 Admin
22-01-2020 Time Table of MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) and MAM w.e.f. 23.01.2020 Admin
22-01-2020 Time Table of MCA, MCA(int) & MCA(Dual) w.e.f. 23.01.2020 Admin
20-01-2020 The Even Sem. Classes will start from 23.01.2020 Admin
12-01-2020 Summer Training Project Report (KMT308) Viva-Voce Admin
10-01-2020 Practical Examination of Excel (RMBI506) Admin
09-01-2020 Summer Training Project Viva-Voce(KMB303-RMB351) Admin
05-01-2020 Practical Examination KMBI151 (MBA Integrated Ist Sem) Admin
04-01-2020 Fee Notice Admin
04-01-2020 KMB303 and RMB351 VIVA VOCE Admin
04-01-2020 KMB303 / RMB351 VIVA VOCE Admin
04-01-2020 Postponed Exam Reschedule Admin
28-11-2019 IIIrd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM), MBA(Int.) and MAM Admin
28-11-2019 IIIrd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA , MCA(Int.) and MCA(Dual) Admin
13-11-2019 Time Table of MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) and MAM w.e.f. 14.11.2019 Admin
11-11-2019 IInd mid semester exam. scheduled on 09.11.2019 are postponed to 13.11.2019. Admin
09-11-2019 Institute will remain closed from 09-11-2019 to 12-11-2019 Admin
06-11-2019 Time Table of MCA, MCA(int) & MCA(Dual) w.e.f. 04.11.2019 Admin
02-11-2019 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM), MBA(Int.) and MAM Admin
02-11-2019 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA , MCA(Int.) and MCA(Dual) Admin
24-10-2019 On account of Deepawali the institute will remain closed from 25.10.2019 to 30.10.2019 Admin
22-10-2019 Teaching of Class MBA/MBA(TM)/MBA(int.) will remain suspended on 23.10.2019 Admin
14-10-2019 Deposit Original Documents before 17.10.2019 for Enrollment 2019-20 Admin
06-10-2019 Classes will remain suspended on 09.10.2019 Admin
06-10-2019 On account of Dussehra the institute will remain closed on 07.10.2019 to 08.10.2019 Admin
03-10-2019 Time Table of MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) and MAM w.e.f. 03.10.2019 Admin
02-10-2019 Time Table of MCA, MCA(int) & MCA(Dual) w.e.f. 03.10.2019 Admin
17-09-2019 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM), MBA(Int.) and MAM Admin
17-09-2019 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA , MCA(Int.) and MCA(Dual) Admin
09-09-2019 on account of Muharram the institute will remain closed on 10.09.19(Tuesday) Admin
09-09-2019 Time Table of MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) and MAM w.e.f. 09.09.2019 Admin
03-09-2019 Time Table of MCA, MCA(int) & MCA(Dual) w.e.f. 04.09.2019 Admin
25-08-2019 Time Table of MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) and MAM w.e.f. 26.08.2019 Admin
22-08-2019 On account of Janmastami the institute will remain closed on 23.08.19 and 24.08.19 Admin
21-08-2019 Time Table of MCA, MCA(int) & MCA(Dual) w.e.f. 21.08.2019 Admin
17-08-2019 Time Table of MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) and MAM w.e.f. 19.08.2019 Admin
15-08-2019 Time Table of MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) and MAM Admin
15-08-2019 Time Table of MCA, MCA(int) & MCA(Dual) Admin
03-08-2019 Deposit Odd Semester fees . Admin
29-07-2019 Scholarship Renewal Process Admin
29-07-2019 Online application for challenge Re-evaluation and scrutiny Admin
16-07-2019 Deposit Odd Semester fees between 17.07.2019 to 31.07.2019 Admin
31-05-2019 Practical Exam Schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM), MBA(int.) and MAM Admin
27-05-2019 Practical Exam Schedule Admin
17-05-2019 On account of Budh Purnima the institute will remain closed on 18.05.2019. Admin
30-04-2019 IIIrd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA , MCA(Int.) and MCA(Dual) Admin
29-04-2019 IIIrd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM), MBA(int.) and MAM Admin
20-04-2019 Holiday Notice Admin
12-04-2019 Class Schedule of MCA , MCA(Int.) and MCA(Dual) Admin
08-04-2019 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM), MBA(int.) and MAM Admin
08-04-2019 IInd Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA , MCA(Int.) and MCA(Dual) Admin
27-03-2019 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) , MBA (Integrated) & MAM Admin
19-03-2019 On account of HOLI the institute will remain closed from 20.03.2019 to 23.03.2019. Admin
19-03-2019 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Ist Sem. Admin
03-03-2019 On account of MahaShivratri the institute will remain closed on 04.03.2019 Admin
25-02-2019 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MBA , MBA(int.) and MAM Admin
25-02-2019 Ist Mid-Sem. Examination Schedule of MCA , MCA(Int.) and MCA(Dual) Admin
18-02-2019 On account of Sant Ravidas Jayanti the institute will remain closed on 19.02.2019 Admin
02-02-2019 Time Table MCA, MCA(DD) , MCA(Int.) Admin
29-01-2019 Time Table MBA, MBA(TM) , MBA(Int.) and MAM (Revised) Admin
26-01-2019 Time Table MBA, MBA(TM) , MBA(Int.) and MAM Admin
26-01-2019 Time Table MCA, MCA(DD) , MCA(Int.) Admin
24-01-2019 Time Table MCA, MCA(DD) , MCA(Int.) from 24 Jan. 2019 Admin
22-01-2019 Urgent Notice-Deposit Current Semester Fees latest by 25.01.2019 Admin
20-01-2019 Time Table MCA, MCA(DD) , MCA(Int.) from 21 Jan. 2019 Admin
20-01-2019 MBA (Int.) & MAM Time Table of Even Sem Admin
20-01-2019 MBA Time Table of Even Sem Admin
14-01-2019 Deposit Current Semester Fees latest by 20.01.2019 Admin
09-01-2019 Practical Exam Schedule of RCA151 , RCA152 , RCA551 and RCA552 Admin
07-01-2019 External practical Exam of NBC751(.NET) And NBC752(CG) are scheduled to be held on 08/01/2019 Admin
07-01-2019 Summer Training Project Viva-Voce (RMB-351 & RMT-351) Admin
04-01-2019 Practical Exam Schedule of MCA(I)-I Sem. Admin
03-01-2019 Even Semester Fee Submission Notice Admin
02-01-2019 Practical Exam Schedule of MBA Integrated -I Sem. Admin
02-01-2019 Practical Exam Schedule of MCA(I)-III Sem. Admin
01-01-2019 Summer Training Project Viva-Voce (MAM902) Admin
01-01-2019 Practical Exam Schedule of MCA-III Sem. Admin
22-12-2018 Regarding Festival on the occasion of 95th Jayanti of Bharat Ratna Shri Atal Bihari Bajpayee Admin
22-12-2018 Regarding submission of original certificate Admin
07-12-2018 Presentation on Project Training Guidelines Admin
02-12-2018 Exam Fee Notice for Ist Year Students Admin
29-11-2018 IIIrd Mid-Sem. examination Schedule for MBA , MBA(TM), MBA(Int) and MAM Admin
29-11-2018 IIIrd Mid-Sem. examination Schedule for MCA , MCA(Dual) and MCA(Integrated) Admin
26-11-2018 Exam Fee (Odd Semester) Admin
25-11-2018 Time Table MCA Admin
25-11-2018 Time Table MCA(Integrated) and MCA(Dual) Admin
27-10-2018 IInd Mid-Sem. examination schedule of MCA,MCA(int) & MCA(Dual) Admin
27-10-2018 IInd Mid-Sem. examination schedule of MBA,MBA(TM),MBA(Int) & MAM Admin
23-10-2018 Revised Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Admin
20-10-2018 On account of Abbu Lala Urs the institute will remain closed on 20-10-2018 Admin
18-10-2018 Two Day National Workshop on Cyber Security and Data Privacy Admin
17-10-2018 Regarding Fill Examination form for Odd Semester 2018-19 Admin
06-10-2018 The classes will be not held on 08.10.2018(Monday) due to Fresher Party Admin
01-10-2018 Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October, 2018 Admin
26-09-2018 Tourism Awareness Walk from Agra Fort to Tajmahal Admin
24-09-2018 Ist Mid-Sem. examination schedule of MBA ,MBA(TM), MBA(Int.) & MAM Admin
24-09-2018 Ist Mid-Sem. examination schedule of MCA ,MCA(Int.) & MCA(Dual) Admin
21-09-2018 Classes will remain suspended on 21st Sept. and 22nd Sept. 2018 Admin
09-09-2018 Revised Time Table MBA (Integrated) & MAM Admin
09-09-2018 Revised Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) Admin
04-09-2018 Revised Time Table MBA (Integrated) & MAM Admin
04-09-2018 Revised Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) Admin
30-08-2018 Fee Notice Admin
27-08-2018 Revised Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Ist Sem. Admin
25-08-2018 Time Table MCA Admin
25-08-2018 Time Table MCA (Integrated) & MCA (Dual) Admin
25-08-2018 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) , MBA (Integrated) IIIrd Sem and MAM Admin
25-08-2018 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Ist Sem. Admin
22-08-2018 On Account of Eid-Ul-Zuha the institute will remain closed on dt. 22.08.2018 (Wednesday) Admin
18-08-2018 Time Table MCA (Integrated) & MCA (Dual) Admin
18-08-2018 Time Table MCA Admin
16-08-2018 Institute will remain closed tomorrow (17.08.2018) Admin
16-08-2018 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) IIIrd Sem and MAM Admin
16-08-2018 Time Table MBA , MBA(TM) and MBA (Integrated) Ist Sem. Admin
10-08-2018 Induction Program MCA, MCA(Integrated) Admin
10-08-2018 Time Table MCA III and MCA V Sem. Admin
10-08-2018 Time Table MCA(Integrated) and MCA(Dual) Admin
09-08-2018 Time Table MBA(Int.) and MAM Admin
09-08-2018 Time Table MBA and MBA(TM) III Sem. Admin
09-08-2018 Induction Program MBA Admin
07-08-2018 MCA, MCA(Dual) and MCA(Integrated) classes will start from 11.08.2018 Admin
07-08-2018 MBA, MBA(TM),MBA(Integrated) and MAM classes will start from 11.08.2018 Admin
03-08-2018 Deposit Tuition Fee before 10.08.2018 Admin
27-07-2018 Tuition Fee and Exam Fee (Odd Semester) Admin
27-07-2018 Regarding Sending Written Application to University for UFM Even Semester 2017-18 Admin
27-07-2018 Scholarship Registration for 2nd,3rd,4th and 5th year Student (session 2018-19) Admin
27-07-2018 Scholarship Registration for Ist Year Student (session 2018-19) Admin

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